2015-present EN90LN Carrollton, OH 44615 (Carroll County)
1993-2015 EN90QL Toronto, OH 43964 (Jefferson County)
1991-1993 EN90QM Toronto, OH 43964 (Jeffferson County)
I upload all logs to LOTW, eQSL and ClubLog regularly, and about once a week I import LOTW QSOs into QRZ. So, whether you are working towards an ARRL award, a CQ award or a QRZ award, I’ve got you covered for Carroll County, Ohio.
I am no good through the Buro. If you want a QSL card (why would you?) send your QSL along with an SASE. I used to QSL for free, but the whole process is an unnecessary pain these days. I do have QSL cards on order and scheduled to arrive around Christmas 2021 or just before.